The ✌️ emoji, also known as the Peace Sign, represents peace, love, and unity. It's a widely recognized symbol of non-violence and harmony. Its meaning is generally positive and associated with feelings of goodwill and understanding. You can find more detailed information on its Unicode representation at (nofollow).
Simply click on the emoji below to copy it to your clipboard:
Download a high-resolution PNG image of the emoji here: Download PNG
The visual representation of the ✌️ emoji can vary slightly across different platforms. Apple's version may appear slightly more stylized, while Google's might be more simplistic. These variations are usually minor and don't significantly alter the emoji's overall meaning.
While precise origins are difficult to pinpoint, the peace sign itself predates its digital emoji form. The widely recognised symbol is generally attributed to Gerald Holtom's design from the 1950s, and this design heavily influenced the modern emoji version. More specific details about its addition to Unicode are often hard to find, but it is widely adopted and used.
The ✌️ Peace Sign emoji is a powerful symbol of peace, love, and unity. Its versatile nature allows for use in various contexts, making it a valuable addition to your emoji collection. Copy or download it now to share the message of peace!